
Her Story

Frequently Asked Questions & Information

I don’t have their contact details. Yes, feel free to nominate someone that you’d like to hear speak at one of our conferences. Just fill out as much information as you can and we will reach out to them and invite them to attend.
Please complete our ‘speaker nomination form’ and fill out as much information as you can.
Yes, absolutely. Just let us know how you know the person and why you believe they would be a welcome addition to the HerStory Conference family.
Yes, we do. After each session, we have a panel of speakers available to answer any questions the audience may like to ask them. We do have keynote speaker sessions available, and these are limited sessions at each event. This is something we can discuss with you if you’re accepted as a speaker at one of our conferences.
No, we don’t. This is an opportunity for women to share their stories, on stage, with others, so that they can gain a powerful opportunity in learning how to deliver a persona talk, in front of a supportive audience. There is a small speaker fee for attendance, which includes the speaker session, venue costs, lunch for the speaker, and refreshments throughout the conference. If you are accepted as a speaker at HerStory, this will be discussed with you in order for you to secure your speaker slot.